
Here’s where I’ll keep some short thoughts on miscellaneous stuff.

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Apr 30, 2024

Stuff I Like There

I (semi) recently felt compelled to write about one of my favorite videogames of all time, Disco Elysium, why I love it so much, and how it profoundly effected how I think about the world. I posted this on a Substack called Stuff I Like There. You can subscribe to it if you’d like – I’ll be occasionally updating it with posts about pieces of media that I love.

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  • Apr 30, 2024 - Stuff I Like There
  • 2023

  • Mar 2, 2023 - Ben Stein, Wokeness, and The Conservative Mind
  • 2022

  • Aug 16, 2022 - Going Viral
  • Apr 26, 2022 - Writing